Jun 5, 2008

Now For the Real Work

Wow! Has it really been a month since my last post? I've been so busy with my new book, I lost track of time. The good news is that I am finished with the first draft. It consists of 20 chapters with a short epilogue. Now the real work begins. I have spent the past week or so doing some major editing. I have added three characters and made a major change in the powers of the main character so the rewrites are going to be a challenge. All in all, the changes will make it a better book. My biggest problem right now is coming up with a title. Nothing seems to work for me. I thought I had a good one, but when I googled it, there are several other books out there with the same title, one of which was just published this year. Not a good thing. Anyway, when I get the title, I will post it.

Have a good day, friends.


  1. Good luck coming up with the title. Congrats on finishing your first draft. Huge accomplishment.

  2. Wow! You are amazing. Let me know when you need a reader.

  3. I am so excited for you! I can't believe you've accomplished such a feat this past month, Christine!!! I'm highly impressed. I remember reading here on your blog that the writing bug really hit you- and now look at what you've done!

    I wanna read it!!

    Send it over, if you'd be so kind...

    warrenandautumn @ msn dot com

  4. I'm too afraid. I don't want someone to hate it. It might burst my bubble. LOL When I get more done, I will let anyone read it. You are so sweet.


  5. Christine

    I am soo impressed you wrote your book in a month. You are AWESOME!
