Feb 1, 2013

Spring Fever

There are still tiny piles of snow scattered all over the place, but there's enough of it gone that I can see grass peeking through and the tiny buds of my tulips pressing up through the dirt. For weeks it's been in the single digits, but for two days it's been in the high forties. I didn't even wear a coat when I drove up the road to pick up my son off the school bus today.

Mother Nature is a big tease, letting us taste a drop of spring here and there. She's mean, really.

What I want to do is throw open the windows and doors and let the cool fresh air fill my home and my lungs. But I know it's too early. Within minutes I'd be pulling a blanket over my bare feet and slipping my goose-bumped covered arms into the sleeves of a sweater. There's a reason I still have fleece sheets and an electric blanket on my bed.

It's still winter.

But oh, I wish it was spring.

For now, I will close my eyes and pretend I feel the warmth of the sun on my face and smell the blossoms tossing pollen into the air. For now, I will watch the frozen white mounds melt away and the puddles dry up.

Impatient as I am, I will wait.

Are you feeling a little spring fever yet? What are you doing about it?


  1. The sun is shining in Washington - going to enjoy a day with a hope that spring isn't too far off!

    1. Oh wow, I bet you get a lot of rain up there. I live in Idaho and we get the wind.

  2. I'm so ready! I'm glad the snow's melting. Hubby asked if it the last storm was likely to be the last one. I wish.

    1. I wish!! The groundhog saw his shadow this morning, so maybe he's right. :-) We can hope.

  3. I too am wishing for the feeling of the sun on my bare skin and a warm breeze on my face. It will come eventually, but the waiting can be hard.
