Nov 14, 2011

Much About Something

You know the saying, Much About Nothing? Well, I have so much to share that I have to cram it all into one post. First, you've got to take a look at the movie trailer for Hunger Games. It was released this morning. Brace yourself. It gave me the chills.

WOW!!  Are you totally blown away, or what? I can't wait to see it in the theater.
Okay, so the next thing on my list of things to share is about my wonderful partners in Dark CARMA. I couldn't have asked for two better friends to share my journey with. Please head on over to their blogs and see what they're up to, check out their books and make a purchase. You'll be glad you did.  Here are their book covers and links to their blogs.

Next, check out this great review on Dreams of Quill and Ink. L.T. Elliot is a phenomenal writer and friend who's done a great job of describing what BOUND meant to her as she read it. Be sure to leave her a comment and thank her for sharing that with us.

And last. In spite of all the positivity I've been having with the launch of BOUND and the great reviews, I've found myself a little down because, well . . . not many people remembered. I only had one family member even mention it and a very small handful of friends. Not to worry. I know life is busy and with NaNo we've all got our heads in our new stories. And I must admit I've been a little cranky as well. Sorry about that.

Anyway, I heard this song on the radio this morning and it made me think about all this publishing drama and why I do what I do. It's not for the recognition or the fame or any of that insignificant stuff. It's for the journey and, regardless if it pleases anyone else, or if I fail at whatever I choose to do, I'm going to do it anyway. It's my dream and what's important is that I believe in myself enough to make the dream come true.  Enjoy.

What are your dreams? How close are you to achieving them?


  1. Wow, that trailer is freakin' awesome! I'd kind of forgotten how amazing the first HUNGER GAMES was. Can't wait to see the movie now!

    And I love what you did with RaShelle's and mine books ... I'm gonna go do that on my blog too!


  2. Ditto on the Hunger Games trailer. So can't wait to see it! Thanks for the Martina McBride song/reminder to keep going.

  3. Oh, my freakin' heck! It so gave me chills. The only thing that bums me is I didn't like the last book. Major disappointment for me.

  4. First, that trailer rocked. I can't wait to see it!
    Second, thanks for the kind words, Christine. You're too good to me.

    Third, you're doing the right thing. You've done the right thing. Keep doing it. Believe in you and that difference you're making. *hug*

  5. You are such a sweetie, Christine! Love you!! DC Girls are ninja rockin awesome! LOL =D

  6. Love the trailer and I love you, girl. I'll always support you.

  7. I'm sorry more people weren't there to celebrate with you. Just remember...YOU ROCK! And so does your book! :-)

  8. haha, i just posted this trailer on my blog the other day! (i do the hunger games updates often.)

    just wanted to let you know, it was very cool to get a comment and new follower -- who is a PUBLISHED AUTHOR -- for a bookworm like me ;) i read your blurb -- too cute. i write poetry too, i just don't often publish it.

    anyhoo, i would love to review your next book! how does it work though? do i buy it, or will you send me a copy to review? i'm afraid i don't have much money for books, but i go to the library at least twice a month and come home with about ten or fifteen books.

    you can contact me at about the book review stuff, and anything else, (like if you ever want to host a book giveaway in exchange for an ad on my sidebar.) i will be following your blog ;)


  9. The Hunger Games trailer gave me chills too. I may have even gotten a little teary eyed... Really looking forward to seeing the whole movie.

  10. i love that song! it's kind of like my mantra :)

    congrats on your book release - you're going places, christine!
