Mar 3, 2010

What the Heck?

As I was searching through the hundreds of pictures I've collected over the years, trying to find something to inspire a blog post for today, I realized something. I have an awful lot of depressing pictures. For some reason I like those that show sadness and sorrow. I think they're beautiful.
What does that say about me?

Don't get me wrong. I have plenty of other pictures of women and men, but the biggest percentage are views where thy don't show their faces.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so maybe I'm selecting those that convey the most emotion, the gripping scenes that bring tears to your eyes.

Or maybe I just like wondering what happened right before.

Or maybe, just maybe I'm the kind of person that focuses on the negative. Oh gosh, I hope that's not the case. I love to laugh and be positive.

Could it be that I like them because they bring compassion into my heart? Or maybe it's because I've been in their position before and want to help them in some way.

Maybe it's just because I'm drawn to the wounded, needy and those who could really use a friend. But then, am I the kind of friend that will lift them up and encourage them, or am I selfish and greedy? I didn't used to have many friends. Maybe that's the case. I hope not.

In any case, I do love these pictures.
So pull out the psychologist's couch and tell me if I'm crazy.

Go ahead, I can take it.


  1. I don't know nearly enough about psychology but I am sure there must be something to that.

    Funny, I often look through my art to see what I feel like posting too.

  2. I don't think you're crazy or negative. Ifind many of that same pictures stirring and moving. Perhaps you just like deep emotion.

  3. You're not psychologically crazy, you're writer crazy like the rest of us. Big difference!

    I loved all those photos too. :)

  4. Ah, I think it's because you're drawn to the highly emotional. All of those pictures are highly emotional. I'm that kind of writer too. And that kind of person. Emotionally Intense. Embrace it!

  5. I really love all these pictures, they are filled emotion and intrigue, I guess I'm crazy too. Wait a minute didn't have to guess I already know that! Just found your blog through Ali's, glad I did!

  6. Those pictures are all really moving. I think they call out to some place deep in me that has experienced that feeling.

  7. I agree with Elana. It's the emotion in them that draws you to them. That's what draws me, too. They are very moving.

    So, if you're psycho, then so am I.

  8. Hmmm, well, if you figure out what it is, let me know, cause I'm right there with you! LOL I LOVE all the pictures you posted there, and actually have many similar ones in my file. I think, for me at least, it's because those pictures tend to evoke that very strong emotional response in me, the one that makes me want to lock myself in a quiet room and WRITE.

    Happy pictures make me smile. Dramatic pictures bring out the writer in me.

  9. lol I just saw Elana's response - Emotionally Intense...yep, that describes me (and probably most writers) to a tee :D

  10. Like with every human emotion, there is beauty in pain and tragedy. I love those pictures too... are we both messed up?

  11. LOL
    i loved the pictures--so i guess i'm right with you... wherever that is. Hopefully a good place, ehe?

    To me, each one of those pictures showed that silent moment of inner-conflict that is so hard to capture with a handful of words. That's why it takes thousands--sometimes hundreds of thousands to capture that single moment on page.

  12. Hey, Christine, those are beautiful pictures. Who is the artist for the first few (the header on your blog, too).

    It creates a whimsical, mythical emotion. I think it pulls at your heart that way. :)

  13. I think you love them for the same reason it is difficult to walk by a crying person. You want to know what is wrong and how you can help. Although truthfully sometimes the answer is there is nothing you can do. But to see such strong emotion stirs something within the human heart. I think the writer in you sees these pictures and then creates the story so that you can figure out a way to help them.

  14. You are all being so sweet. I think you're right about the pictures bringing out the emotions I want to write about. I love reading books that do that, so it makes sense that I'd be drawn to pictures that do the same. Thanks for all your wonderful comments.

  15. I think it's because with each of those pictures you feel like there's some story behind it. I found myself wondering what happened just before this picture?

    By the way, I love the idea of finding inspiration in pictures you've collected.

  16. I think these pictures are beautiful. We all go through trying times and can identify with these pictures in some way. Take heart, Christine. I think it means you're a caring person with a lot of depth.

  17. You know Chris, your pictures is one of the things I remember first knowing about you. You used to do that thing where you'd post a picture and then ask us to write something about it, remember that?

    I love these pics you've posted.

    I think you love them because they make you wonder. Like you said near the beginning ~ with paintings/pictures like these, there's a lot to wonder at. Like what happened just before? What will happen next? These models aren't static. Something's going to happen them. Will they decide to face their fears/heartache?

    I think you're wonderful and deep, and, yes, I think you have a soft spot in your heart for people who need to be loved and lifted.

    And that'll be $100.00 please. I take payment in chocolate and long hours of conversation over lunch. Where you pick up the bill, of course ;)

  18. I love sad pictures, sad movies, sad songs... they are the ones that leave a lasting impression. You're not crazy. Or maybe you and I are both crazy! ;)

  19. C.K. thanks for stopping by my corner of the world. I spent time perusing your blog today, admiring your art collection. Each of those pieces could launch a story, couldn't they? What a great platform to draw inspiration from.

    Congrats on finishing yuor manuscript!

  20. Those pictures are amazing and inspire a million stories.

  21. I love these pictures too. They evoke so much emotion. I don't think it's a matter of being negative, but more that they're so moving. A lot of things that many people find dark have always been beautiful to me. :) Great post!

  22. Personally, i think you and the pictures are awesome... so I wouldn't worry about it!

    They're so beautiful!

